堯堯發新歌了–活出敬拜 2020
敬拜不是音樂儀式,而是生活方式 !
請您細細品嚐,並將歌曲分享出去,並一同活出敬拜吧 !
靈魂體三合一/神國敬拜者再造課程 主題曲
靈魂體三合一 神國敬拜者再造課程《網路版》
活出敬拜 Live Out Your Worship
敬拜 不是歌唱在每個禮拜
More than a song on Sunday service
敬拜 不只感動在每個舞台
More than an expression on the stage
敬拜 不是每個聚集暖身的安排
More than a routine for each gathering
敬拜 台下很冷台上很High
More than performance and audience reaction
Worship is an experience echoing in your soul
Worship is a response to the call of his spirit
活出敬拜 不該只把人帶來
Reach out to people where they are
活出敬拜 要從舒適圈離開
Go beyond our comfort zone
活出敬拜 是回轉像個小孩
Go back to being a child
活出敬拜 是改變生活型態
Begin a transformed lifestyle
Live it out
敬拜 不是歌唱在每個禮拜
More than a song on Sunday service
敬拜 不只感動在每個舞台
More than an expression on the stage
敬拜 不是每個聚集暖身的安排
More than a routine for each gathering
敬拜 台下很冷台上很嗨
More than performance and audience reaction
Worship is finding your unique altar for sacrifice
Worship is living out the truth through one’s destiny
活出敬拜 讓旁人感受到愛
Let people feel his love
活出敬拜 帶下神國的同在Engage in his presence
活出敬拜 讓生命美好精彩And experience life’s beauty
活出敬拜 復興才會有未來so we can impact our future
活出敬拜 Live it Out
活出敬拜 讓旁人感受到愛
Let people feel his love
活出敬拜 帶下神國的同在
Engage in his presence
活出敬拜 讓生命美好精彩
And experience life’s beauty
活出敬拜 復興才會有未來
so we can impact our future
活出敬拜 Live it Out
我要活出敬拜I will live it out
為主 For the Lord
活出敬拜Live it out
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